claireliverseed 3rd April 2020

Hi Claire Can I first say what a shock it was to hear about Ian’s death. Hazel and I send our sincerest condolences to you and Chris and the rest of the family. I knew and worked with Ian for many years at the Glaxo factory. I found him to be utterly reliable, a loyal friend and committed work colleague and I’m so sorry to hear of his passing. I have fond memories of our team and departmental meetings when Ian would attend and contribute effectively and with great enthusiasm. He was liked and respected by all his work colleagues both above and below him and this is something that can be said of few people. I know it is a desperately sad and difficult time for you and the family but this will pass and leave you with loving memories of a good man who lived a happy and fulfilled life. Ian will be missed. Be strong Love Hazel and Richard - Glaxo friends