claireliverseed 30th April 2020

Dear Chris and all of the family and friends of Ian, Bob and I are just heart-broken here in Portland, Oregon USA after learning of the great loss we have suffered in the passing of our dear friend Ian. Since reading the email you sent, I have been sitting in shock thinking “how can it be?” I tapped into the Barnard Castle Rotary website and found a beautiful eulogy tribute to Ian and then it really sank in – he is gone but will never be forgotten. In fact, Chris, we had so many enjoyable times with both you and Ian that we have continuously spoken of them and how wonderful it was for us to all meet over a Rotary Friendship Exchange. We have commented to each other about how we would love to meet up with you again on the next rip to England. It seems our delayed plans have created a gap that will not be able to be fully realized ever again. I know that this is a very difficult time and one of deep grief for you. I pray that the good memories you have of Ian and your faith in God will sustain you throughout this ordeal. It is never easy and I have come to understand a few things about grief myself. I have accepted the realization that grief is not something you will ever really get over, but God will get you though it. Ian was a special man who loved trying so many new things, exploring the world and meeting new friends. He was a happy sort of guy who was easy to be with and talk with. We are going to miss him tremendously and the joy that he brought to all that met and knew him. Chris, we hope to see you again and that one day when life returns to a “new normal” you might consider coming to visit us in Portland once again. Until that time, please know that we are thinking about you and asking God to provide all that you need in dealing with the loss of such a loved one as Ian. When you have time, please email me your personal email address and we can keep in touch that way. God Bless all of you, Patty Frahler Portland, Oregon