claireliverseed 3rd April 2020

Memories of Ian …. Of babysitting Claire, Richard and Jonathan…….. and consoling Claire on the loss of a her rabbit/guinea pig. Of seeing off Andrew and Richard from York to the world Scout Jamboree in Canberra…. And the fundraising to get them there …. stalls at Lartington Country Fair and sponsored slims Of inviting and proposing Ian into Rotary …..and clocking up over 50 years Rotary Service between us and Both earning the highest service award in Rotary the Paul Harris Fellowship The Rotary afternoon trip for OAPs for high tea and company ….. ending up at Keartons and Horsley Hall……. of Rotary BBQs in our garden . Happy memories of Rotary Friendship exchanges to New England and Tennessee Of Candlepin bowling in Boston and Tom and Jerrys Ice Cream factory in Vermont…….Of Boston taxi calling Ian “Pokey” on exiting her cab … still don’t know where that came from! And “Honey (Chris) and Chunky Monkey (yours truly) greetings used to this day. Of the “Grand Old Oprey” and Graceland still remembered to this day from our Tennessee exchange and the visit to FedEx world Hq and Beale street in Memphis. Early joiners of Teesdale U3A , meetings at Cotherstone Village Hall ……our Christmas trips to Keswick to the matinees in the Theatre by the Lake. So many parties…….. so many dinner parties And Rotary Charter Nights and Fun nights, such life And then that sunny Mothering Sunday afternoon when we heard that shocking news, of the walk into the woods, the singing of the birds, of that bench we know so well a rest and then Goodbye Ian thanks for all the memories we have shared Margaret & Keith Miles - friends